
Noho Hewa: The Wrongful Occupation of Hawaiʻi
UHMC students now have access to this documentary.
This documentary is a contemporary look at Hawaiian people, politics and resistance in the face of their systematic erasure under U.S. laws, economy, militarism, and real estate speculation. It is a raw, unscripted story that makes critical links between seemingly unrelated industries, and is told from the perspective of Hawaiians.
More information about the film can be found here
HAW 301 Third-Level Hawaiian I (3)
Pre: HAW 202.
This class is the continuation of HAW 202. Traditional stories published in Hawaiian language newspapers and texts will be used as resource material, along with videos and tapes of native speakers. This course is taught entirely in Hawaiian and within the context of Hawaiian culture and history. (DH)
HAW 302 Third-Level Hawaiian II (3)
Pre: HAW 301.
This class is the continuation of HAW 301. Students will continue to develop skills in speaking, writing, reading and listening comprehension. Pronunciation, basic grammar, and increasing vocabulary are important elements of this class. Traditional stories published in Hawaiian language newspapers and texts will be used as resource material, along with videos and tapes of native speakers. This course is taught in Hawaiian and within the context of Hawaiian culture and history. (DH)
HAW 401 Fourth-Level Hawaiian I (3)
Pre: HAW 302 or instructor approval.
This course requires reading, writing, and discussion of advanced Hawaiian language texts and newspapers, as well as the transcribing and translation of native speaker recordings. This course is taught in Hawaiian and within the context of Hawaiian culture and history.
HAW 402 Fourth-Level Hawaiian II (3)
Pre: HAW 401 or instructor approval.
This course is a continuation of HAW 401. It requires reading, writing, and discussion of advanced Hawaiian language texts and newspapers, as well as the transcribing and translation of native speaker recordings. This course is taught in Hawaiian and within the context of Hawaiian culture and history.